Call for Appointment : 07122233930 / 7775039977
OPD Timing 10 - 2 pm & 7.30 - 8.30 pm

Nirmala Thayagarajan

I am Nirmala Thayagarajan from Katol, Nagpur. I am 53 years old and have been suffering menopausal symptoms for the past 1 year and more. I live with my husband who is a retired Bank employee. Our children are married and settled in life. I and my husband live a simple life with minimal requirements for us. We go for walking every day and have a routine lifestyle with enough leisure and time for every other thing we enjoy doing. Off late I started feeling a lot of pain in my leg and my leg weighed so much that I stopped going for out routine walks in the evenings. I could even see some swelling in my right leg. The pain was increasing day by day and I could not even move my legs off my bed many days. My children advised me to take medical assistance and I went for a casual check up in a nearby hospital. After checking me with Ultrasound and Venogram procedures, the Doctor said the diagnosis was Varicose Vein. He said Vein Ligation and Striping which is done after administering anesthesia need to be carried out on me. Then he recommended a Laser Surgery immediately since the pain was increasing every passing moment and he refer me to the Junankar Hopital Nagpur. I took his advice and underwent a Laser Treatment for Varicose Vein immediately. I thank Dr. Nilesh Junankar heartily for the painless manner in which I was treated through Laser for getting rid of Varicose Veins I was suffering from. I have started going for my regular walks with my husband. Thank you very much, doctor.