Call for Appointment : 07122233930 / 7775039977
OPD Timing 10 - 2 pm & 7.30 - 8.30 pm

Lalita Devraj

I am Lalita Devraj from Balaghat, Madhya Pradesh. Madhya Pradesh is the middle part of India which has given rich medical methodologies like Ayurveda and Nature cure. I live in Balaghat since birth. Despite the natural surrounding and unpolluted way of living, I live a sophisticated life with maids to do all household work. Despite the same, during a cleaning operation in which I got involved in, I had to move heavy things across the hall to another room. I felt something giving up in my bowel region and my private part. I decided to take rest for a while and sat on the couch. To my dismay, I felt something under me and got up to check what it was, nothing in particular was on the couch. I sat again and felt something was underneath. This time I felt a pricking pain and I jumped out immediately. On checking, I found that a huge chunk of flesh was hanging out from my Anus and I could not push it inside. When I went for a checkup with my Gynecologist she said I had exerted myself so much that I had fourth-degree piles. He wanted me to undergo a Laser Surgery immediately since fourth-degree piles cannot be maneuvered otherwise. I underwent a Laser Surgery in Junankar Hospital Nagpur by Dr. Nilesh Junankar immediately which helped me get rid of Piles without pain. The recovery time post Laser surgery was absolutely little and again painless